Whisky Candles

Whisky candles?  It’s not as far-fetched as you might think.  Of all mankind’s creations and inventions, the wicked candle is one of the more enduring.  The ancient Egyptians were using wicked candles as early as 3,000 BC.  Five thousand years later in our tech-heavy 21st century lives, it’s easy to overlook that the candle is often one of the first things we scramble for in our homes when there’s a power failure at night.  Five thousand years ago also coincides with some of the earliest evidence for the making and enjoyment of beer – a drink made from fermented cereal grain – and from which whisky is made.

Initially and primarily a source of light, candles came to be used in religious symbolism and ceremonies.  Somewhere along the way, they also became de rigueur for a romantic dinner.  Scented candles have been around for centuries, but are enjoying something of a resurgence due to a combination of growing interest in aromatherapy, together with society’s pursuit of more natural, organic, and environmentally friendly products.  For whisky lovers, the lines may have just intersected…

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