Oxidation – does whisky go off in the bottle?

Oxidation.  Oxidised.  OxidisationOxidise…..  

  1. (Verb) To undergo a reaction in which electrons are lost by a molecule, atom, or ion to another matter or species
  2. (Whisky) A loose, general, catch-all term to describe the phenomenon of a whisky’s quality slowly deteriorating in the bottle over time, after you’ve opened it.

It’s one of the most common questions and concerns you see asked in whisky forums and discussion groups: “Once I open my bottle, how long have I got until it starts to go off or deteriorate?”  Or it may take the form, “I have a bottle with just one third left in it, and I left it at the back of the cupboard for a year.  Now it tastes different – what’s going on?”   You don’t travel far along your whisky journey until the word “oxidation” enters your vocabulary.

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